Does monetary policy work against workers?

Does monetary policy work against workers?

A new study finds that ECB’s monetary policy affects the wage share of companies and thereby the distribution of income between workers and shareholders. Given that these effects differ by firm characteristics, monetary policy has uneven effects across the euro area. To tackle this, more targeted monetary policy tools should be developed. 

Markets for distress: will the EU’s Non-Performing Loans strategy worsen the Covid19 social crisis?

Markets for distress: will the EU’s Non-Performing Loans strategy worsen the Covid19 social crisis?

After Covid19, huge numbers of households and companies are expected to have loan payment difficulties, aggravating the socially disastrous effects of the crisis and putting a serious strain on the recovery. The EU’s plans to tackle this problem are flawed and misled by the neoliberal belief that markets and financial engineering can fix this deep socio-economic problem.

The ECB needs political guidance on secondary objectives

The ECB needs political guidance on secondary objectives

While EU Treaties clearly stipulate that the European Central Bank “shall support the general objectives of the European Union”, politicians cannot simply stand by, hoping that it will use its discretionary power to act on them, write a group of EU experts led by Positive Money Europe.

Annulation de dette par la BCE: pourquoi le jeu n’en vaut pas la chandelle

Depuis le début de la crise Covid-19, un débat a émergé sur la possibilité d’annuler les dettes publiques détenues par les banques centrales. Bien que la proposition soit faisable techniquement, notre analyse stratégique révèle que les efforts nécessaires pour gagner de telles campagnes seraient très importants, alors que ses gains potentiels sont incertains et plus faibles qu’on ne le pense.


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